New Resource: Biographies of Super Achievers Who Changed Our World

faces of truth royrogersOne of my goals for this blog is to share with you qualityfaces of truth Gutenberg 388060_511878172172439_1960402271_n educational resources that will be helpful in children’s ministries—and in teaching your own children. I’ve come across a wonderful book that I’m introducing today: Faces of Truth: A Collection of Historical Biographies, by Doug and Norma Latta. Here is an excerpt from their introduction:

faces of truth george washington carver 182014_556534091040180_911414348_nThe premise of this book is to show what can be achieved through people of many races and in all walks of life when they let their Creator help them reach their full potential.  We have purposely chosen individuals from many centuries of Western cultural development who were super achievers in their fields, such as the arts, science, business, public service, war heroes, inventors, journalism athletics, etc…”

faces of truth pocahontasYour students will be inspired by learning about some of the greatest leaders of human history through the biographies that Doug has beautifully illustrated, and the stories Norma has carefully documented and brought to life through her creative writing. Doug and Norma are friends of ours who have a passion for inspiring young minds to push towards their true potential—and as teachers we share that passion. I’ve found this book to be of great help in teaching history to children and have purchased several copies for our family.

faces of truth Tom Landry 416913_544100828950173_1035743068_nIf you would like to learn more about this historical collection go to, where you can also order the book. And if you happen to live in the Tulsa area, you can meet Doug and Norma in person at their book signing at Mardel’s Bookstore (71st and Mingo) on March 21st, from 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Look for more resources to be listed soon!

God bless you today!



About Verda

Children's ministry consultant, educator, author, teacher

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