How Do You Teach Children the Basics of Discipleship?

lightstock_216002_xsmall_verda_rubottom_Part three of “What is Your Philosophy of Children’s Ministry?”  Undoubtedly, the most effective way that we teach the basics of discipleship is by our example.  Guy Doud, Teacher of the Year in 1986, wrote this short poem that is food for thought for anyone who teaches children.

Sermons We See

By Guy Doud

I’d rather see a sermon than hear one any day.

I’d rather you walk with me, than merely show the way.

The eye’s a better pupil and more willing than the ear.

Fine counsel is confusing, but examples always clear.

Child specialists tell us that children will often pattern their lives after the people they admire the most.  It’s important to be a good role model—and to introduce children to other role models they can look up to.  Children also notice who their parents admire and will tend to follow that as well. The people that we give attention to, and show high esteem for, will likely earn the attention of our children.  Despite our changing culture, parents are still the most powerful influence in a child’s life. For this reason, I encourage leaders to involve Christian parents in their children’s ministry when that is possible. Involving parents in some way sends a message to the child that their class is important.

Of course, the greatest role model we have is our Lord Jesus. And even very young children can learn from his example when we teach Bible stories at their level of understanding. Helping children understand Scripture takes effort on our part, and will often involve bringing visuals and various and sundry hands-on items to help translate the meaning to children. But it is well worth the effort when you see little eyes light up and older children show excitement as you begin to teach your lesson.

The last thing I want to mention in this post about discipleship is that we need to give our students opportunities to serve— just like Jesus did—when he was training his disciples. He asked them questions, tested them, and gave them many opportunities to practice what they were being taught. Jesus involved the disciples in serving the people.  Likewise, children need to learn to serve; to do more than sit and listen, as important as that is. They need to learn to help in small ways, and gradually move to greater responsibility as they show they are willing and capable. This will take a little planning on our part  because it seems easier to do all the work ourselves. But learning to be a disciple involves action, and we can help our students take that important step as they are learning and growing in the Word.

God bless you as you serve Him today!,

Verda Rubottom


Please note: For a more thorough discussion on this topic, go to the resource page on this website and read the article, Partners in Christian Education,  published in the Christian Education Counselor.  It’s available in PDF so you may download it free and use it as a resource for your staff.